After-school Tutoring & STEM
Tue, Apr 22
|Accelerate4KIDS Detroit
Tutoring for students in grades 3-8 in Math, Science, and English (Reading/Writing). Come for tutoring in the first hour and then enjoy some STEM fun in the second hour after your hard work!

Time & Location
Apr 22, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Accelerate4KIDS Detroit, 1401 Vermont St, Detroit, MI 48216, USA
About the Event
We provide academic tutoring for students in grades 3-8 who need help with Math, Reading, Writing, and Science. We've also set aside time for coding and STEM activities after each tutoring session like creating apps, building robots, flying drones or printing 3D models.
The Academic Tutoring is on Tuesday from 4:00pm-5:00 pm. STEM activities will be from 5:00pm-6:00pm.
There is no cost and you must attend if register otherwise you could lose your spot.
Tutoring sessions can be scheduled on-line or in-person for a maximum of one hour on a first-come, first served basis. Â Walk-ins will be accepted if there are no prior tutoring sessions/appointments scheduled for the day.
Location: 1401 Vermont Street, Detroit, MI